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Adapting IT Recruiting Practices for Healthcare Projects

Written by Eric Utzinger | September 9, 2024

The ability to quickly and effectively hire IT talent can truly make or break a project’s success. As healthcare systems continue to modernize their infrastructure, from Electronic Health Record (EHR) upgrades to implementing telehealth solutions, the demand for specialized IT professionals is higher than ever.

But traditional recruitment methods are often slow, expensive, and ill-suited for the dynamic nature of healthcare IT projects.

Enter agile hiring—a flexible, efficient approach to recruiting IT talent that is perfectly aligned with the needs of healthcare organizations.

Why Traditional Hiring Falls Short in Healthcare IT

Healthcare projects, by nature, are complex and time-sensitive. Delays in finding the right IT professionals can stall progress, leading to inefficiencies, cost overruns, or even compliance risks. Traditional hiring methods, with their lengthy recruitment cycles, can’t keep up with the pace required.

According to a 2023 report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the average time to hire an IT professional is around 42 days. For a healthcare system facing tight deadlines and critical patient outcomes, that's simply too long. Not to mention the cost of recruiting and onboarding a full-time employee, which SHRM estimates to be around $15,000 - $20,000 per hire.

Also, many healthcare projects are temporary in nature, meaning that permanent full-time hires may not always be the best solution. This is where the concept of agile hiring comes into play—allowing healthcare systems to quickly scale their workforce up or down as needed, without the long-term commitment of full-time employees.

What is Agile Hiring?

Agile hiring takes inspiration from the agile methodology used in software development, which emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress. Instead of relying on the traditional, linear recruitment process, agile hiring focuses on finding, onboarding, and deploying talent quickly—often in a matter of days or weeks.

This approach is especially useful for IT projects, which often require specific skill sets for short periods of time. Agile hiring prioritizes flexibility, allowing healthcare systems to:

  • Quickly source and onboard IT contractors as project needs arise.

  • Assemble specialized teams for specific projects.

  • Scale the workforce based on demand, without the overhead of full-time employees.

Key Trends Driving the Shift to Agile Hiring in Healthcare

Several key trends are driving healthcare organizations to rethink their traditional recruitment strategies in favor of agile hiring models.

1. The Rise of Project-Based Work

According to a study by Deloitte, 48% of organizations are increasingly adopting project-based work structures, rather than relying solely on permanent employees. In healthcare, this trend is amplified by the need for IT professionals who can step in for specific projects—like an EHR upgrade, cybersecurity overhaul, or telemedicine integration—and move on once the work is done.

By leveraging agile hiring, healthcare systems can quickly bring in contractors with the exact skill set required for the project at hand. This reduces the need for long-term commitments and allows for greater flexibility in managing the IT workforce.

2. The Freelance Economy

Freelancing is on the rise across industries, and healthcare IT is no exception. According to a report by Upwork, 59 million Americans freelanced in 2022, and 90% of corporate leaders say they plan to increase their use of freelancers during periods of economic uncertainty. Freelancers bring specialized skills, and they can often be onboarded more quickly than full-time employees.

Healthcare systems can tap into this growing pool of freelance IT professionals to fill gaps in their workforce on an as-needed basis, further reinforcing the agile hiring model. This helps healthcare organizations stay nimble and responsive to changing project demands.

3. Technology’s Role in Recruitment

Agile hiring is also being fueled by advancements in technology. The rise of talent management platforms, like Revuud, has made it easier than ever to source, onboard, and manage IT contractors. These platforms provide centralized solutions that automate many of the traditionally time-consuming aspects of recruitment—like vetting candidates, managing contracts, and tracking hours worked.

The ability to streamline these processes through technology allows healthcare systems to focus less on administrative burdens and more on delivering successful IT projects. In fact, a report by Gartner found that 70% of companies that leverage AI-driven recruitment platforms experience faster hiring times and greater talent satisfaction.

4. Remote Work and Flexibility

The pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work, which has proven particularly beneficial for IT recruitment. With location no longer being a constraint, healthcare systems can access a global talent pool, allowing them to source top IT professionals from virtually anywhere.

This expanded access to talent, coupled with the growing acceptance of remote and hybrid work models, makes agile hiring even more effective. IT professionals can now be quickly onboarded and work from anywhere, ensuring that healthcare systems get the expertise they need without the geographical limitations of traditional hiring.

How to Implement Agile Hiring for Healthcare IT Projects

Making the shift to agile hiring requires a change in mindset, as well as adopting the right tools and practices. Here are a few strategies healthcare systems can use to successfully implement agile hiring for their IT projects:

1. Embrace Talent Platforms

Centralized platforms like Revuud can drastically reduce the time it takes to source, vet, and onboard IT contractors. By having access to a pool of pre-qualified professionals, healthcare systems can quickly fill project roles as soon as the need arises.

2. Focus on Short-Term Contracts

For healthcare projects that are limited in scope and duration, short-term contracts can be a more cost-effective and flexible solution than hiring full-time employees. Agile hiring allows healthcare systems to engage IT professionals on a project-by-project basis, ensuring they only pay for the talent they need when they need it.

3. Build a Bench of Talent

One of the key principles of agile hiring is the ability to quickly deploy talent as needed. Healthcare systems can build a "bench" of pre-qualified IT contractors who are ready to step in at a moment’s notice. This reduces downtime and ensures that projects stay on track, even when unexpected needs arise.

4. Streamline Onboarding Processes

One of the main advantages of agile hiring is the ability to onboard IT contractors quickly. By standardizing onboarding processes—such as background checks, compliance, and documentation—healthcare systems can ensure that new hires are ready to start work immediately.

Why Agile Hiring is the Future of Healthcare IT Recruitment

As healthcare organizations face increasing demands for digital transformation, the ability to quickly source, onboard, and manage IT talent is crucial. Agile hiring offers a flexible, cost-effective solution that allows healthcare systems to adapt to project needs and maintain a competitive edge in the fast-evolving healthcare landscape. 

Check out this Q&A with Keltie Jamieson, CIO of Bermuda Hospitals Board, to see how they are leveraging Revuud to optimize and manage their IT workforce. 

At Revuud, we’re helping the nation’s leading healthcare systems streamline their IT contractor management with our centralized talent management platform. From sourcing to onboarding to contract administration, our solution simplifies the entire process, so you can focus on what matters—delivering successful projects.

Ready to revolutionize your IT recruitment? Learn more about how Revuud can help you source, onboard, and manage all your IT contractors in one place. Let's chat!